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Structural Equation Modeling of Transformational Leadership Style and Organizational Effectiveness whit Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment in the General Directorate of Youth and Sports of Khorasan Razavi Province

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The purpose of this study was structural equation modeling of transformational leadership style and organizational effectiveness whit Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment in the General Directorate of Youth and Sports of Khorasan Razavi Province. The statistical population included 270 employees that using census, the total population was considered as the sample. Data collection method based on three questionnaires of leadership style MLQ, organizational effectiveness based on four essential functions of the social system of Parsons (AGIL) and organizational commitment of Allen and Meyer was done. Data analysis by using structural equation modeling whit software LISREL 8.8 and Smart PLS 2 in two parts, of the measurement model and structural section was performed. In the structure part, structure of the model coefficients were used to examine the hypotheses. The results indicate a significant and positive impact on organizational effectiveness of leadership style on the one hand and on the other hand a significant impact on relationship of commitment as mediating variable between transformational leadership style and organizational effectiveness.

The Effect of corporate governance on employee voice

96-101Full Text

Gholamreza bordbar* and Mahyar Kamali Saraji

For the first time in Iran, this study aims at discussing the effect of corporate governance on employee voice. Reviewing basic theories of the research shows that corporate governance has a huge effect on employee voice. Therefore, in Iran insurance organization, the relation between corporate governance and employee voice outcomes has been analyzed. The result of this research denies the positive and meaningful relation between corporate governance with employee discouragement, organization indifference and inters organization objections and then confirms the positive and meaningful relation between corporate governance with increasing employee motivation and empowering them and their teamwork.